AHWP Transformation into GHWP with Unchanged Position on Regulatory Authorities-Industry-Partnership
29th June 2020
Re: GHWP transformation into GHWP with Unchanged Position on Regulatory Authorities-Industry-Partnership
List of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of AHWP Member Country/Region
PRESS RELEASE - Preannouncement on Change of Name to GHWP
Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP) preannounces change of organization name to Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP)
Annoucement: AHWP Playbook is now available on the website
We are glad to announce that the GHWP Playbook for Implentation of Medical Device Regulatory Frameworks is now available on the website. This playbook is developed to provide guidelines and reference tools to guide member economies in development of their medical device regulatory framework.
Announcement: New AHWP and AHWPTC Leadership have been elected for the term 2015-2017
We are pleased to announce that the new GHWP and GHWPTC Leadership of 2015-2017 have been elected during the 19th GHWP Annual Meeting in Nov 2014. Please refer to the link: for the message of the newly elected GHWP Chair, Dr. Hee-Kyo Jeong.
Agenda (Final) for the 17th AHWP Meeting, AHWP TC Meeting and Workshop on 2nd - 6th Nov 2012 in Chinese Taipei
Dear all participants,
Please kindly find the final agenda for your information.
Thank you very much.
For resolution at the 17th AHWP Meeting in Chinese Taipei - PROPOSED FINAL document on "Amendment 1 to the Asian Harmonization Working Party House Rule"
After consolidating the comments received from GHWP members by 31 Oct 2012, the PROPOSED document on "Amendment 1 to the Global Harmonization Working Party House Rule" developed by GHWP Secretariat has become the captioned PROPOSED FINAL document, for resolution at 17th GHWP Meeting in Chinese Taipei.
Thank you for your notice.