[19th AHWP Seoul Meeting] Important Notice on Ebola Virus Disease Quarantine Procedures in Korea

Submitted by admin on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 17:53

Dear all participants of the 19th GHWP Seoul Meeting,

Given the recent concern over the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, the Korean government has proposed several quarantine procedures for entry to Korea. Please kindly cooperate for the safety of all participants of the 19th GHWP Seoul Meeting.

Reminder - Please prepare your VISA application for traveling to Seoul, Republic of Korea for the joining of 19th AHWP Meeting

Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/30/2014 - 12:11

The following events will be held back-to-back on 18-21 November 2014:-
- AHC-GHWP Joint Workshop [18-19 Nov]
- 18th GHWP TC Meeting [20 Nov]
- 19th GHWP Annual Meeting [21 Nov]
at the Sheraton Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Republic of Korea