Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/20/2016 - 00:41
A) For member economies / GHWP & GHWPTC representatives

Provide / Update GHWP and/or GHWPTC Representatives:

To update the contact of any GHWP and/or GHWPTC representatives, please fill in the GHWP Representatives Form signed by the Primary Representative from Regulatory Authority of your member economy, and send to GHWP Secretariat at, attention to Ms Cathy WONG or Mr Benjamin CHAN.

B) For individuals

At GHWP, we are constantly on the lookout for people from regulatory authorities and the industry to join us. People who see things from a refreshingly different angle. And who are committed to work towards harmonization of medical device regulatory systems in Asia. We welcome you to join us.  

Join GHWPTC Working Group / Special Task Group:

Interested persons please fill in a) the GHWP WG/STG Membership Form together with b) your CV (resume) to the GHWP Secretariat at , attention to Ms Cathy WONG or Mr Benjamin CHAN. 



Interested persons please fill in the GHWP ASL Membership Form  to the GHWP Secretariat at , attention to Ms Cathy WONG or Mr Benjamin CHAN. 

The GHWP Secretariat

Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association
HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Phone: (+852) 2788 5548
Fax: (+852) 2788 6338

Attn: Mr Benjamin CHAN / Ms Cathy WONG